Anime, Trauma and Divorce by Open Mike Eagle
I was first introduced to Open Mike Eagle at a Doomtree concert in Pomona back in 2015. We arrived early enough to be up front against the rail, and touched his plastic crown as part of his pre-show ritual (or something), still not sure what that was about.
Anyway, he put on a great show, all the openers that night did (Transit and Busdriver), it was a great first rap show for sure! I've been a fan ever since. Anime, Trauma and Divorce is his latest and greatest. Dude gets real in this one, maintains the humor—most of it dark—that makes his music so good. Check it out, check ALL his stuff out!
Bonus cool points for the clear, blood splatter record.
Bangers: Headass (Idiot Shinji), Bucciarati, Everything Ends Last Year and I'm a Joestar (Black Power Fantasy)